Diverticular Disease Diet Plan

All current literature recommends that the most effective way to prevent or manage diverticulosis is through the adoption of a diet high in fiber.

Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods which aids in bulking up the stool (by forming the bulk or the roughage) to assist it in passing through the body to assure regular bowel movements.

There are two type of fiber in the diet, soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which aid in the creation of a stool and prevent constipation.

  • Soluble fiber: dissolves easily in water and takes on a soft texture in the intestines. This fiber is the bodies main means of bulking the stool.
  • Insoluble fiber: passes through the gastro-intestinal tract virtually unchanged.

As plant materials are passed through the body, the removal of water, protein, fats, carbohydrates and essential nutrients occurs. Upon entering the colon, all that remains to be digested is water. The colon should remove this remaining water, thus forming the stool.

If an individual is not eating sufficient amounts of fiber containing foods, a very dry, hard stool is produced. Stools of this consistency have difficulty moving through the bowel and require higher amounts of pressure to be passed through. Gradually the body becomes incapable of creating these high amounts of pressure, and begins to rely on the force of the movement of the abdominal walls to transport stools through the bowel. This is known as straining, and puts an excessive amount of pressure on the abdominal wall, resulting in the formation or aggravation of diverticula.

On the other hand, diets containing sufficient amount of fiber end in the production of a softer, bulkier stool, which is easily moved through the bowel without requiring high pressures to do so.

By ensuring an adequate amount of fiber in the diet it is possible to prevent the occurrence diverticular disease or to manage existing diverticular disease by reducing the required pressure for stools to pass through the bowel.

Current recommendations for fiber intake per day are:

  1. At least 25 grams of fiber per day for adult women.
  2. At least 30 grams of fiber per day for adult men.
  3. 28 grams of fiber per day for pregnant women over the age of eighteen.
  4. 27-30 grams of fiber per day for women who are breastfeeding.

Another requirement for the formation of a soft, bulky stool is an adequate fluid intake. This will ensure that the stool retains sufficient water to be soft and that the bowel is able to produce mucous. The secretion of mucous allows the stool to pass easily through the bowel rather than sticking to the wall of the colon.

Diets are very individualized factors of life and will vary from person to person. A decision about diet should be made by the individual depending on what works for them in regards to amounts and types of food they will consume.

In general, the following tips may prove handy in order to optimize diet and achieve adequate fluid and fiber intake:
  1. Increase the fiber of your content gradually, especially if you are prone to constipation. This will avoid further gastrointestinal upset and will allow your body to gradually adjust to any changes. A sudden change in fiber can result in flatulence and abdominal pain- so take it slowly.
  2. Consume plenty of plant foods as opposed to meat or dairy. These include:
    • Wholegrain breads and cereals: Breads and cereals are the main source of fiber in the diet. Choose from this food group regularly throughout the day. During the processes of refining foods, much of the fiber in a food product will become depleted. When selecting breads and cereals opt for the wholegrain versions, as these are less refined and thus contain higher amount of fiber. Try to select cereals that contain barley, wheat or oats. If wholegrain breads are not to your liking it is possible to purchase high fiber white breads and cereals.
    • Fruit and vegetables: These food groups also provide fiber in the diet, particularly those in which the skin of the fruit or vegetable is consumed.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids each day. Aim for two liters (eight standard drinking glasses) to ensure sufficient fluid in the body for bulky, soft stools. Be aware that he term fluid does not just apply to water. Many items constitute a fluid. These include:
    • Water
    • Milk
    • Juice
    • Sports drinks
    • Tea
    • Coffee
    • Soft drink
    • Ice cream
    • Custard
    • Soup
Previously, many doctors recommended the avoidance of nuts, popcorn, pumpkin, caraway seeds and sunflower seeds as they believed they may become stuck in the diverticula and cause infection and inflammation.

These recommendations have since been discontinued as there is no scientific evidence that these foods may have this effect.

Foods high in fiber:

  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Dried fruit
  • Peas
  • Potato with the skin
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Squash
  • Carrots
  • Baked Beans
  • Lentils
  • Chick peas
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lima Beans
  • Wholegrain or wholemeal bread (Or alternatively high fibre white bread)
  • Whole-wheat pasta
  • Breakfast cereals containing barley, wheat or oats
  • Dried Beans
  • Soy milk
  • Psyllium
  • Brown Rice
Whilst it may be tempting to include a fiber supplement in the diet, try to avoid this where possible as this may exacerbate or cause diarrhea in the event that an individual is not drinking sufficient fluids. Aim to obtain all fiber requirements by eating a healthy diet.
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