What Is Diverticulitis?

For many individuals, developing one or more small sacs in the large intestine or colon is quite common. Most of the time, individuals are unaware that they have developed this because there are no noticeable symptoms that they could usually feel. When the sacs or pouches in the large intestine are quite normal, this is termed as diverticulosis. However, if the condition causes damage to the digestive system of the individual, it would now be called diverticulitis or a diverticular disease.

Whenever diverticulitis is present in an individual, that person really needs to have medical treatment as soon as possible. This is because the condition can cause really serious complications. As a matter of fact, it could even be life threatening if it is left untreated. There are some cases of this condition that could be treated with antibiotics, rest, and even dietary changes. However, if the case is more severe, it might even need a surgical procedure to keep it from doing more harm.

The condition has many different symptoms. If you have some of these symptoms, you might need to take a little more attention because you might be a victim of this condition. One of the most common symptoms of the disease is a severe or sharp pain that comes very suddenly at the lower left side of the abdomen. Aside from this symptom, the individual may also get to feel a tenderness in the abdomen, fever, chills, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and/or vomiting, and even a change in the bowel habits.

Other less common symptoms of diverticulitis include bleeding from the rectum, bloating in the abdominal area, as well as several other things such as an abscess, a fistula, peritonitis, and even a blockage at the colon. These diseases should be treated as a medical emergency. If ever someone experiences some of these symptoms, he or she should be checked thoroughly by a qualified medical practitioner.

Depending on the symptoms of the diverticulitis that the patient is feeling, there are many different ways that it could be treated. The patient must first get to know the severity of the attacks and even the frequency of the attacks. The best way to get rid of this condition is to have a healthy diet, so you should eat foods that are plenty of fiber. Don’t forget to eat vegetables after a few days so that your whole system could gradually heal itself.

If you want to risk it, you could also take an over-the-counter pain reliever. This may minimize the effect of the pain that is inflicted by the condition. However, if the patient’s symptoms are getting worse, you should try to admit him or her to the hospital. This is especially true if the individual is at risk of intestinal obstruction. If the patient has complications such as a fistula, perforation, abscess, or frequent attacks, he or she would need to see a doctor.

If you want to avoid the risk of getting diverticulitis, you should always try to consume a diet that is rich in fibers and fluids. Don’t forget to exercise regularly. Aside from that, you should not delay the urge to have a bowel movement. This way, you do not have to worry about the condition any more.
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